Be You. Come as you are into your relationships.

Be Life. Be present & live your values.

Be Love. Cultivate Love amidst Fear.

love camp

Everyone can have fulfilling relationships

despite their past experiences

  • Do you fear getting back out there to meet new people and are guarded because of your experiences?

  • Are you desiring love, but have doubts about it wondering if you’ll make some mistake of letting someone in your world who shouldn’t be allowed in?

  • Have you built walls to keep yourself safe from getting hurt, and the same walls that were meant to keep you safe are keeping you from deep and meaningful interactions?

I invite you to recommit to your self-vows & access love through the love camp experience

The online event is 3.5 hours roughly of connecting, breathing and moving.

At the Love Camp Experience, we will

  • Ritual to recommit to self

  • Explore communication blocks to overcome during dating and meeting new people

  • Connect with your heart, mind and soul

This program is for you if you:

  • Feel overwhelmed with the thought of meeting new people from fear of repeating past mistakes.

  • Want to be confident in your choices and decisive in how to move forward in a relationship.

  • Trust and recommit to yourself.

  • Want to feel at ease when you meet people you’re attracted to.

  • Eventually want deep and loving connections without compromising who you are and what you stand for.


You'll receive pre-recorded meditation and self-forgiveness exercise.

Enroll early and you will have a 1:1 thirty-minute coaching call within the two weeks prior to the event.

Seats are limited. If you have any question, please submit to

Onward and Upward,


Enroll today

“Virginia’s Love Camp was amazing. She helped me understand that I can love and not lose myself within another person. I am able to still be me, love me, and love another person. The ability to communicate effectively is so important.”

— Michelle Frometa, Financial Controller & Entrepreneur

virginia jimenez


A coach who leads Love Camp, an experience and group coaching program meant for people to regain trust in having love-centered relationships in their life and be open to the love they desire.

In 2009, I experienced a painful and traumatic double betrayal which led to major life changes and transformation in my life. I share my healing journey of resilience and love on stages and other platforms to hundreds of people.

Every aspect of my work from speaking, coaching, and facilitating workshops has been formed with the core value of connection to self, to others and to our Higher source.

I love nature, music, dance, and inspiring people to see purpose in their struggles. I’m also a mom to two growing boys and live happily in Broward County, Florida with my partner and children.

be you. be life. be love.