Be You. Come as you are into your relationships.

Be Life. Be present & live your values.

Be Love. Cultivate Love amidst Fear.


You’re invited to purposefully in relationship 6-day series

Have a romantic relationship that's purposeful and continues to align you to your purpose. Register for this free 6-day series to


  • February 15 to February 17TH 7 pm EST

  • February 18TH and February 19TH 2pm EST

  • February 20th 7and pm EST


Via Zoom


The intention of Purposefully in Relationship Series is for you to go from single to in a relationship, where you and your future partner are purposefully aligned with what God has you here to do. If you're in a relationship already, this series will support you in deepening your relationship goals. We will reference scripture as well as other resources. We intend to provide this in a safe space that honors your time and needs which is why a call and application is required.


What’s needed is that you register with the link to schedule a 20-minute call with me and complete the questionnaire included.

What else can we expect?

You can expect the following themes:

Day 1 - Purpose + Meet and Greet

Welcome to the first day of the Series!! We will get familiar with the series and those in the group. There will be a breakout session. The agenda for the 45-minutes is as follows: Opening Prayer Intro Meet and Greet Review the outline Discussion - Purpose Questions of the day Breakout Sessions Recap Next Session Closing Meditation

Day 2 - The Theme is practice Practice

Welcome to day 2 where we focus on the practices or disciplines we have in our life. We explore with the help of a journal and discuss with other participants in the virtual breakout room.

Day 3 - The Theme is Principles

Welcome to day 3 where we focus on the PRINCIPLES. Are we paying attention to the principles we uphold and make decisions from in our life? We explore with the help of a journal and discuss with other participants in the virtual breakout room this topic.

Day 4 - The Theme is Priority

Welcome to day 4 where we focus on the PRIORITY and more specifically what are we prioritizing. Are we saying yes to all things? Are we intentional about what we decided to focus on? We explore with the help of a journal and discuss with other participants in the virtual breakout room this topic.

Day 5 - The Theme is Alignment

Welcome to day 5 where we focus on the ALIGNMENT. How and are we communicating effectively when someone is not in alignment with our principles. We explore with the help of a journal and discuss with other participants in the virtual breakout room this topic.

Day 6 - The Theme is Belief

Welcome to day 6 where we focus on the BELIEF. At the beginning we talked about Purpose, and belief goes hand-in-hand with that because our WHY is tied to what we believe. Belief will take us to create newly. Belief is about turning our thoughts to a focus that supports alignment, principles and priority! This one is a good one so don't miss it! We explore with the help of a journal and discuss with other participants in the virtual breakout room this topic.

“Virginia’s Love Camp was amazing. She helped me understand that I can love and not lose myself within another person. I am able to still be me, love me, and love another person. The ability to communicate effectively is so important.”

— Michelle Frometa, Financial Controller & Entrepreneur


A coach who leads Love Camp, an experience and group coaching program meant for people to regain trust in having love-centered relationships in their life and be open to the love they desire.

In 2009, I experienced a painful and traumatic double betrayal which led to major life changes and transformation in my life. I share my healing journey of resilience and love on stages and other platforms to hundreds of people.

Every aspect of my work from speaking, coaching, and facilitating workshops has been formed with the core value of connection to self, to others and to our Higher source.

I love nature, music, dance, and inspiring people to see purpose in their struggles. I’m also a mom to two growing boys and live happily in Broward County, Florida with my partner and children.

be you. be life. be love.