What’s the purpose of Love?
Relationships are a foundational need for all of us. We have a relationship with caretakers as children and relationships with teachers and family members. We have these foundational relationships all around and they’ve served in someway towards our purpose here on earth. Think about it. There’s some teacher or mentor that provided guidance or insight on your direction, or a caretaker that supported your purpose by being there for you with the essential needs to survive. When it comes to romantic relationships there is a purpose that is beyond what we may believe or want it to be. We may think that relationships are simply to have someone to live and share life with perhaps so we are not alone, but what if romantic relationships was also purpose driven? How many times have we asked ourselves “Is this partnership serving the purpose God has me here to fulfill?”
Statistically when we join in romantic relationship or in marriage we tend to spend a lot more of our time with our significant other. This is a FACT (see the stats above on this).
so what’s the purpose of relationships?
Well, it’s not just to avoid being alone. It’s to support one another in what we are here to contribute to humanity. The support can be as simple of believing in your mission and not standing in the way of you fulfilling it or being your biggest cheerleader. When you find romantic partnership that aligns with God’s purpose for you there is growth and magic.