The Power of Harvesting

About 11 years ago my teenage best friend and I had a change in our friendship. I was saddened by this change because it meant we weren’t talking any more. It went from being best friend’s to being an acquaintance to no longer speaking. Unfortunately the no longer speaking part was not my choice. It was her’s. Unable to reach her by phone, I emailed and asked why, and the answer was:

“we have grown up … its natural for things to change…Anyway, take it easy and dont feel sad or hurt in anyway.”

It was 2011 when that happened. I was a mom of two young boys ages 3 and 6 years old, and a recently single parent for the first time ever. I was hurt, sad, and yet I remember that I said to myself that was required from me was acceptance of what was done and what was not done. Basically, Responsibility. Responsibility is one of the sub-pillars that is nestled with the Love Camp Power of Choice pillar. Responsibility of what was done looked like accepting what I did as friend, and accepting what I did not do as a friend.

We planted a friendship-seed as teenagers, we nurtured it for many years having through our similar interests, our go-getter attitudes, love of family and ambitions, and definitely our lifestyle as young adults. But things shifted in our lifestyles as I started a family and was focused on other relationships such as my new extended family. Nothing was wrong but it was also a choice and part of the results of my harvesting.

When I was hurt, I faced a choice in how I managed my feelings. I could have been petty and spiteful but I chose to sit in acceptance, decide what I’d believe about the situation and see things for the facts. Even if I didn’t realize it then, I chose to listen to what God wanted not what I wanted in the situation.

As it turns out God had in store that we would meet again. A week ago we ran into each other grocery shopping. I moved over 25 miles away from where we had our friendship and never would imagine she’d be in my area, but here she is. And because I didn’t throw acid into the pot that held our friendship-seed we were able to have a conversation again positively and from a place of care. I get to choose to listen to what’s wanted from me from our Creator. I get to exercise the following:

My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry… - James 1:19

Believe that you are the gardener called to co-create your experience in your garden by what you choose to believe and by creating powerful choices. Equip your sense of listening to distinguish what you’re being called to harvest next by accepting what grows and what doesn’t grow. From there you’ll know what seeds you were assigned to harvest next.

believe that you are the gardener in your life

Virginia Jimenez

Virginia Jimenez is a transformational and relationship coach who believes that when we explore, discover and take action, you can lead an extraordinary life. Known for bringing out the best in others, she’s committed to increase the wealth of individuals and organizations by improving their communication and relationship skills. Her workshops are a bridge to understanding the power of choice, presence and one’s perceptiveness.

She studied Business Administration and has a bachelor's in Finance from Florida International University (2007), is a former Landmark Forum graduate, Tony Robbins UPW fire walker, and a certified Body Language Coach through the Science of People. After years of experience in a corporate setting, she underwent her own transformation moving from the corporate world to her calling as a coach and entrepreneur.

Last, but not least, she’s a parent, fitness instructor, creative poet and life-long goal-getter.

One of her favorite quotes is:

“Constant development is the law of life, and a man who always tries to maintain his dogmas in order to appear consistent drives himself into a false position.” M. Gandhi

What’s the purpose of Love?


Intentionally Manifesting Your Love Life